The 4 main skin types for men July 13, 2017Men come in many shapes and sizes - as does their skin! Identify your skin type to ensure you are caring for it in the right way, with the right...
What our typical Native Man guy sees when he looks in the mirror July 6, 2017We reckon that the typical user of our Native Man skincare products is a confident soul. Yet not overly so - he doesn't need to put on shades before looking...
Two great myths of skincare for men officially trashed! June 26, 2017Okay - our tongue is firmly in our cheek here, but nevertheless... Here are two myths we're happy to bust when it comes to male grooming.
Ultimate question: Why natural skincare for men? June 23, 2017It can be difficult for men to have the time to take care of their skin. When men choose what skincare products to buy, it's essential that the products are...